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What is a Fit Club?

Have you found yourself saying these things:

“I wish I were in better shape, but I don’t have the motivation to exercise...I don't even know what's most effective or where I need to start.” “After I get home from work I’m too tired to exercise, I deserve to relax!” “I workout every day but I dread it. And most weeks I feel like I’m not even seeing any results.” “I haven’t lost as much weight as I want to, but that's because I don't want to be on a diet…”

"I have no time to plan meals and even if I did, I don't know how to meal prep." “My diet is awful and I’d like to start eating better, but I have no willpower!”

I have said these exact things at different stages of my life, especially after I had my kids! So I am sharing what's kept ME motivated and healthy for so long. Something that has helped so many of my customers transform their relationship with exercise and food... You may have seen my posts about a 'Fit Club' on social media and figured it wasn't for you...because you didn't even know what it was! Let me share exactly what a Fit Club is, explain the benefits of joining one, who they are for, what you have to do when you enroll in one and why you are 99% more likely to succeed by participating!

In short - we are a FIT COMMUNITY!

Hi, I am Jen! A married mom of 2 who started on my journey after my kids were born. I lost over 45 lbs and have kept it off for over 6 years using the workouts, nutrition and community support I am about to share with you below!

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Let's meet a few of my virtual friends...

Kelly Kalisz - Single mom of three Kelly is a single mom of 3 young kids who decided to change her lifestyle 4 years ago. She was in a state of depression and lived for everyone else, never making her health a priority - despite being a nurse. She felt miserable and decided to change after seeing an embarrassing photo of herself while on vacation. She owes her success to the help of her teammates in the Fit Club and our support. She owes her new found confidence to being a BODi partner (yes, she pays if forward now!) and changing her mindset, knowing that her results are a direct reflection of her effort and commitment to the community.

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Nicole Raymond - Married mom of 2 toddlers

Nicole started her journey in our Fit Club in 2020 while struggling with postpartum depression. She was feeling uncomfortable in her own skin and mind. She looks as fitness as a way to gain mental strength and she needed that strength to be a better mom. She proved to herself that she could do things she never thought possible. She proved that believing in herself gave her confidence in ALL areas of her life. Her check-ins with our fitness community was the reason she didn't give up on herself.

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Jamie Jackson - Married mom of 2 Jamie has lost over 20 lbs and gained a community of women as friends. She didn't have healthy friends in her circle and until she joined, she felt nothing she ever tried to get fit would stick because she didn't have the right people by her side. For Jamie, being a part of the team meant she finally had fit friends who she had something in common with! She met us all virtually and has been committed to her healthy lifestyle for over 2 years and never looking back!

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It is a private online group that provides support + accountability towards your health and fitness goals. Each member receives individual attention from a brand partner (like ME!), daily encouragement, accountability, a place to communicate struggles and victories, and a sense of community!


Lifestyle changes are hard, especially alone. To make a lasting change in our behaviors, it takes sticking to a new, healthy routine for a minimum of 3 to 4 weeks before we begin to see a habit developing. So hard to do by yourself! As a fitness enthusiast for my whole life, I’ve never seen the amount of success and adherence to a fitness regimen as I have seen in a Fit Club environment!

jennifer stawarz, what is a fit club, fit club, fitness accountability group, fitness accountability, fitness coach, bodi coach, bodi partner, bodi program, beachbody workouts, beachbody coach, at home workouts, bodi membership, beachbody on demand, lifestyle blogger, fitness for moms, fitness for women, accountability partner, meal prepping, challenge group, fitness community

Here are 5 reasons those who join a BODi Fit Club are more successful than those who don’t!


This is possibly the most beautiful thing about it. THOUSANDS of people, including me, have gone through the exact same program, nutrition plan, fit club accountability groups, and have gotten incredible life-altering results. When you go to the gym, the results are unknown because you’re not following a specific, tested fitness and nutrition plan designed by an expert trainer and nutritionist. Our routines have been tested over and over again on real people like you and me. You have seen those jaw-dropping before and after photos from our programs - THEY ARE REAL! I have met tons of these people in real life. Some of them are my friends and family! And, I am one of them, too! Real results from real people paint the picture of success for you.


One of the most difficult parts about getting healthy is figuring out what to do, how many times to do it, what to eat, how much of it …it's beyond overwhelming. In the beginning you might have questions and you just need a PLAN. By joining a Fit Club and investing in some amazing tools and products, the guess work is eliminated. You receive a simple and concise plan to follow and a BODi partner/coach, like me, to answer all of your questions! You may have tried using Google or YouTube already and got super lost or ended up with too many options and a loose plan that lacked real structure. You might have gotten even more confused after trying to seek out some answers because there are plenty of people who have an opinion - it's hard to know how to piece it all together. And - who has time for that?

I have been successful in taking control of my health since 2016 and I want to pass on what I know. I want to help you reach your goals in an efficient manner.


Let’s talk about what you get. A celebrity trainer which you can take anywhere you go, a full workout program specifically selected to meet your goals, a professionally designed nutrition plan to maximize results, my exclusive meal plans, an accountability partner (ME) to answer all your questions, daily accountability and tracking in our private app to help you stay focused daily, fitness and nutrition tips, daily superfood dense meal replacement shake or supplements of your choice, and all the love and support you need. In the fitness industry, what I just listed would add up to THOUSANDS of dollars. Our packages start at $160.


If a fit club peaks your interest, then you know you're looking for a change. Just like everyone else in a fit club — they’re on the same path as you! Imagine how much more likely you'd be to show up consistently when everyone else around you shows up! You will be added into a private group — that’s where the fun begins because you'll make friends. You’ll celebrate each others’ success. You’ll hold each other accountable and go through the process together! Is it more likely you'd see better results and stay consistently showing up if you had this community? It's 99% more likely because we are better together. Fit Clubs are the secret sauce!


Once you complete your program, I guarantee you will be walking around with the biggest smile on your face! You will be asking what program is NEXT! Not only will you complete your original program that will have challenged and tested you, it won't stop there. You’ll be a walking billboard of success! You’ll feel accomplished, happier, more confident, energized, and STRONGER inside and out. The best part is you’ve created a new lifestyle and you can now pay it forward! You will be part of the BODi family and you get to share your experience and story with others when they ask you, “what have you been doing? you look amazing!?” You know Kim who sits two cubicles down from you? Or your sister in law who is always complaining about not being able to run with her kids or always being sick? Pass on the gift to them so that they can transform their lives too! It’s a beautiful thing.

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First, I must be your assigned coach*, so if you DO NOT yet have a coach or BODi account you’ll need to create a free account.

I will be in touch asap once I receive your quiz - we will pick the best program and nutrition options based on your answers!

*If you’re already a coach or signed up with another coach, reach out to them to see when their next group is.

Note: My coaching and Fit Clubs are included FREE with your purchase of the BODi Total Solution Package you choose! You must be willing to introduce Shakeology into your daily diet for the duration of the group and use the nutrition resources, meal plans, and menus provided. This is where the results really happen! Nutrition makes up 70­-80% of your results. That’s why there will be a big focus on learning how to eat to FUEL your body during the fit club!

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These are the products I personally use daily to achieve + maintain my results.



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